
Golden Eyes by John Gideon
Golden Eyes by John Gideon

Not gonna share images shared behind a paywall, but his initial sketches which you can view if you become a patron look even more like Harrow.

Golden Eyes by John Gideon

  • Nona has the features and skin tone of a mixed-race Māori person (with lighter skin than Gideon), which is mentioned on Tamsyn’s character descriptions list.
  • Carl, Tamsyn’s book editor at Tor said we have “seen” Nona’s body before.
  • (Looking for this source, and will add it when I find it!)
  • In an old AMA or Interview, Tamsyn said Harrow’s newfound hair growth would be be a problem/plot point later.
  • Ianthe cursed Harrow with extremely fast growing hair in the Epiparodos chapter of HtN. Gide-Harrow was last seen sporting golden eyes at the end of HtN. We can see this, but it was also confirmed by Tommy Arnold, the cover artist.
  • In the HtN epilogue, Nona asks Cam if she has figured out who she is yet, implying she has at least SOME sort of familiarity with her.
  • The odds of some random BoE child dreaming of this are pretty slim… Cam also wouldn’t just give some rando bones or a sword to mess around with.
  • Per the blurb, Nona dreams of a woman in a skull painted face.
  • Camilla (as far as we’ve seen) has no idea Alecto even exists.
  • But she WOULD protect the body/soul of the one person she knows can preserve souls, AKA Harrowhark.
  • Camilla would not devote her entire existence to protecting some random BoE planet orphan.
  • Gideon’s soul is strongly implied to be the weapon to kill God.
  • Gideon Nav’s soul was last seen in Harrow’s body, with a cracked sternum, having life-saving assistance performed on her by who she viewed as “Harrow’s Bullshit Dead Girlfriend”.
  • (“If the man you were before saw you now…”)
  • It’s heavily implied Resurrection causes partial amnesia, per John’s conversation with Augustine in Chapter 51 of Harrow the Ninth.
  • Pyrrha would not just “lose” Gide-Harrow.
  • Pyrrha, last seen in the River, is now confirmed to be with Cam and Pal.
  • Cam, Pal, and Pyrrha are Nona’s “family”, per the Nona blurb.
  • In the HtN epilogue, Nona (confirmed to be the epilogue POV character by Tamsyn herself!) is presented with both bones, and a sword, to see which she responds to, if any.
  • It’s a book theory, not a life or death situation… Without further ado, this is why I find it to be the most logical choice, supported by multiple types of evidence.

    Golden Eyes by John Gideon Golden Eyes by John Gideon

    Just don’t be a dick about it in the replies, please. No other theory makes as much sense to me. Dating as far back as when I first finished Harrow the Ninth in June 2020 (I had an ARC!). This has been my belief since long before the Nona reveal. Here is a very simple list of why I personally think that “Nona is in Harrow’s-body”, and “Nona’s soul is amnesiac Gideon” makes the most sense.

    Golden Eyes by John Gideon