Not gonna share images shared behind a paywall, but his initial sketches which you can view if you become a patron look even more like Harrow.
Nona has the features and skin tone of a mixed-race Māori person (with lighter skin than Gideon), which is mentioned on Tamsyn’s character descriptions list. Carl, Tamsyn’s book editor at Tor said we have “seen” Nona’s body before. (Looking for this source, and will add it when I find it!) In an old AMA or Interview, Tamsyn said Harrow’s newfound hair growth would be be a problem/plot point later. Ianthe cursed Harrow with extremely fast growing hair in the Epiparodos chapter of HtN. Gide-Harrow was last seen sporting golden eyes at the end of HtN. We can see this, but it was also confirmed by Tommy Arnold, the cover artist. In the HtN epilogue, Nona asks Cam if she has figured out who she is yet, implying she has at least SOME sort of familiarity with her. The odds of some random BoE child dreaming of this are pretty slim… Cam also wouldn’t just give some rando bones or a sword to mess around with. Per the blurb, Nona dreams of a woman in a skull painted face. Camilla (as far as we’ve seen) has no idea Alecto even exists. But she WOULD protect the body/soul of the one person she knows can preserve souls, AKA Harrowhark. Camilla would not devote her entire existence to protecting some random BoE planet orphan. Gideon’s soul is strongly implied to be the weapon to kill God. PLOT THINGS WE CAN INFER, BUT DON’T KNOW FOR SURE: Gideon Nav’s soul was last seen in Harrow’s body, with a cracked sternum, having life-saving assistance performed on her by who she viewed as “Harrow’s Bullshit Dead Girlfriend”. (“If the man you were before saw you now…”) It’s heavily implied Resurrection causes partial amnesia, per John’s conversation with Augustine in Chapter 51 of Harrow the Ninth. Pyrrha would not just “lose” Gide-Harrow. Pyrrha, last seen in the River, is now confirmed to be with Cam and Pal. Cam, Pal, and Pyrrha are Nona’s “family”, per the Nona blurb. In the HtN epilogue, Nona (confirmed to be the epilogue POV character by Tamsyn herself!) is presented with both bones, and a sword, to see which she responds to, if any. It’s a book theory, not a life or death situation… Without further ado, this is why I find it to be the most logical choice, supported by multiple types of evidence.
Just don’t be a dick about it in the replies, please. No other theory makes as much sense to me. Dating as far back as when I first finished Harrow the Ninth in June 2020 (I had an ARC!). This has been my belief since long before the Nona reveal. Here is a very simple list of why I personally think that “Nona is in Harrow’s-body”, and “Nona’s soul is amnesiac Gideon” makes the most sense.