
Super powereds year 3
Super powereds year 3

super powereds year 3

  • Happily Adopted: He was adopted by a drifter, later revealed to be Globe, who teaches him how to fight, survive on the road, and gives him his strong sense of morality.
  • If you're unlucky enough to target someone he cares about, then you're looking at Tranquil Fury meets Unstoppable Rage. Woe betide ANYONE who tries to hurt others, then you get to meet Vince The Stoic badass.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Even if you're a straight up jerk to him, he can be pretty kind and soft-spoken.
  • Nick resorts to cheating on Vince's behalf and then tricking Vince into thinking that he took the final himself. This nearly causes him to flunk out of the program, since he has to maintain a "C" average in all his normal classes.
  • Everybody Hates Mathematics: Vince is terrible at math, which is justified since he never had proper schooling, and his adopted father wasn't big on the subject either.
  • Vince had merely come in, undressed, and gotten into bed." Unlike the others, he hadn’t had any large revelations about his roommates or sudden fears about the day to grapple with.
  • Establishing Character Moment: A very subtle one, but after the former powereds are getting back from their first year special orientation, Vince is the only one who is asleep, because he has such a simple mindset.
  • If he has truly set his sights on doing something, you're only way to stop him is knock him out and keep him that way.
  • Determinator: Another one of his biggest traits.
  • Culture Blind: He is utterly guileless.
  • It costs his team the win in the match against Chad's team because his opponent was Selena, and he Would Not Hit a Girl.
  • Condescending Compassion: His greatest flaw is that he will never make a serious effort against anyone he perceives to be in any way weaker than himself, even when doing so is actively detrimental to his goals.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: One of his biggest traits, which we see first when he volunteers to look after Hershel/Roy.
  • If there were a Most Likely To Pass ranking, Vince would be at the top of the list from day 1.
  • The Cape: Vince is is kind, idealistic, helpful and always believes the best of everyone.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Vince is incredibly kind-hearted to everyone he meets, right up until you threaten his friends.
  • Bromantic Foil: To his best friend Nick Nick's a ruthless Nominal Hero who trusts no one and is only Obfuscating Stupidity when he's really a Manipulative Bastard.
  • After becoming a Hero he goes by the name Jack of All.

    super powereds year 3

    Vince is far and away the most idealistic of the Melbrook gang.

    super powereds year 3 super powereds year 3

    A silver haired young man with energy absorption powers.

    Super powereds year 3